Monday 14 January 2013


The temple was made for offerings, even now, and God, as before, honors them by His presense. Those who are given to God, not in terms of works as was with the specific animal offerings(Lev 1:2), but in the spirit(Phil 3:3), do dwell experience the presence of God. This is a continuation of the gifts of men / the new temple.

Animal offerings included tresspass offerings(Lev 5:6,) sin offerings and burnt offerings(Lev 1:3) being a part of this category. The purpose of the offering is in the name. Trespass for missteps, sin for repentance, and burnt offering for total submission to Gods cleansing process through fire. He is a consuming fire as James put it. The burnt offering is now, death to self. Christ too, is represented as being a burnt offering by His work of the cross. He implores His disciples to similarly take up the cross and follow Him. This is a call to willfully walk in godliness. David says that God would, rather than animal sacrifices, receive a contrite and  and a broken spirit(Ps 51:17.) This is a spirit that is given to God. This is actually what happens at salvation.

The second category is meat offering(Lev:2:1) These types of offerings were specific in ensuring that the ministers(Priests and Levites) would not starve(that they would have meat), as they were not apportioned land like the rest of the twelve. A part of all the meat offering would be burnt for a memorial(Lev 2:16). This would be an offering to God from the priests, for the sake of the offerers of this gift, for its(the gift's) sanctification before God. This offering remains in this dispensation , as a gift to ministers(within which most of our monetary offerings fall today). Reference is found in Phil 4:18 where Paul refered to such as a sweet-smelling aroma. The question remains how to honor the same before God for the sake of the givers as the priests had been taught(verse 29) being first, a gift to God. An example of such dishonor would be the actions of the sons of Samuel, who for their dishonor, God said that they had caused the people of Israel to err.

Meat offerings were in form of  food supplies,  tithes, and first fruit in the old testament. These continue to be relevant in the new temple. Jesus put it, whatever you did to the least of these, you did to me. Considering that we, in addition to our ministers have a new temple, to which we worship in spirit and truth, these gifts need be of a spiritual nature too. Patience for example, love, mercy, healing are among some of the gifts of God given for service to the new temple.

The third important category is peace offering(Lev 3:1.) These were given, not on demand, but on ones volution. They were given for thanks giving, vows, of basically as "voluntary" offerings(Lev 7:12). Their purpose was in the label. Modern peace offering are equally diverse and scripturaly, are encapsulated in a the following, as some of those found in scripture.

  • Sacrifice of praise(Heb 13:5, Ps 50:23, 32:11)
  • Sacrifice of thanks giving(Ps 107:22)
  • Speaking to God as a free will offering(Ps 119:108)
  • Sacrifices of righteousness(PS 4:5, 51:19). not surprisingly the fruits of righteousness, its written, are sown in peace(James 3:18). This means that all fruits of righteousness are aside from being a gift from God, to be given to men and to God, as a gift to Him.
  • Glory and strength as a gift to God(Ps 29:1,2) These are also, like the others, gifts God gives first. A good example of how to do this is seen in the many worship sessions in heaven as recorded in revelation(....Power and glory and honor and wisdom be to Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb...)
  • Sacrifices of Joy(psalms 27:6) This is a fruit of the spirit too. When you are joyful, it is an offering to God.
  • Doing Good and fellowship(Heb 13:16). This includes mercy(Hosea 6:1)
  • Thanks giving(Ps 50:14) Enter His gates(of the temple) with Thanksgiving, courts with praise, it is written in another place.
  • Love(Rom 13:18)
  • Gifts to fellow men/ people(Phil 4:17, 18; also Heb13:16).
  • Service to God as an offering(Phil 2:17, 2 Tim 4:16)
  • Acts of obedience too, for example, obedience to parents(Col 3:20)
With all these as offerings of the new temple, it is impossible to be a passive Christian. These are the works of the dispensation of grace. unlike in the old temple where iniquity was purged by works, now, it is purged by mercy and truth(prov 16:6). As important, all offerings had one similarity; a willing heart.

With offerings flowing, first from God to men, then from men to God, sometimes through other men, which God honours with more of Himself, His manifold glory, which is given back to Him, creating an endless, frantic exchange between men and God, which grows, which is also the annointing of God, a mighty fortress is created around the sons of God. This is a garment, a powerful one, covering His sons.

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